I feel a very unusual sensation - if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude. Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)

Saturday, July 29, 2006

i'm grateful for humor!


Kiley said...

As a side note: your blog template rocks: did you design it yourself or have it done professionally? I did my own, but it's nowhere near as creative as yours.

Peace out. Found you via BlogMad, BTW (and voted for you, too!).


Jackie said...

Your three blogs are very interesting.

Sometimes we forget what we should be grateful for with all the dreadful things happening around us.

Thanks for the visit :)

(S)wine said...


carrie said...

yes, i did design the template myself.

murray said...

I don't get it.

What's wrong with me?

carrie said...

it's funny cuz the volcano is trying to write a letter about not being hurtful when he gets mad or something maybe an apology but then he gets mad again.

Unknown said...

Very unique blog. I like it. Oh, and thanks for stopping by at mine.


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Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.